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Terms of sale

Art. 1 Definitions

These general conditions, available in favor of the consumer for reproduction and storage pursuant to art. 12 of Legislative Decree 70/2003, have as their object the purchase of products, carried out remotely by means of a telematic network, through the website www.olidda.com, belonging to the Olidda di Depergola Vincenzo farm – VAT number IT 06295540725 – in the person of its director Vincenzo Depergola, with registered office in Zurlo SN – 70054 – Giovinazzo (BA).
By online sales contract we mean the distance contract, that is the legal transaction concerning movable goods and / or services stipulated between a supplier, in this case the “Azienda Agricola Olidda di Depergola Vincenzo” and a final consumer – customer or other professional users, in the context of a remote sales system organized by “Azienda Agricola Olidda di Depergola Vincenzo” which, for this contract, uses only the remote communication technology known as the internet.
By consumer we mean the natural person who purchases goods and services for purposes that are not related, either directly or medically, to any professional activity carried out.
By professional user we mean the natural or legal person who purchases goods and services for purposes directly or medically related to any professional activity carried out.
By product (s) we mean the food products prepared by the Olidda di Depergola Vincenzo farm, hereinafter referred to as “the company”.

Art. 2 Scope of application

These general conditions of sale apply to customers who fall within the definition of “consumers”, pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005, who make purchases through the e-commerce www.olidda.com and use the purchased product exclusively for private use.
These general conditions of sale are also applied to professional users who make purchases through the e-commerce www.olidda.com and do not use the purchased product for private use only, but as part of their professional activity.

Art. 3 Acceptance of the conditions of sale

These general conditions of sale are valid from the day of publication of the website www.olidda.com and may be updated, integrated or modified, obviously having effect for the future, at any time by the company, which will communicate it through the website pages; the conditions set out in the introduction are an integral and essential part of this contract.
All contracts will be concluded directly through access by the consumer customer or professional user to the website www.olidda.com, where they will be able to conclude the contract for the purchase of the desired product, carefully following the instructions and procedures provided.
These general conditions of sale must be examined “online”, before completing the purchase procedure; the forwarding of the order confirmation therefore implies full knowledge of the same and their full acceptance.
The customer or professional user, by electronically sending the confirmation of his purchase order, unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe, in his relations with the company, the general and payment conditions illustrated below, declaring to have taken viewing and accepting all the information provided by him, pursuant to the aforementioned regulations, also acknowledging that the company does not consider itself bound to different conditions, unless previously agreed in writing.
The sales operations are regulated, for the consumer customer, by the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code), while the protection of confidentiality is subject to the discipline of Legislative Decree 196/2003, and subsequent additions or amendments.

Art. 4 Object of the contract and of the service

The company, through the website www.olidda.com, offers an online sales service of high quality food products (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), the essential characteristics of which are explained in each product sheet.

Art. 5 Conclusion of the contract

The products, prices and conditions of sale on the site www.olidda.com – within the limits of their availability – constitute an offer to the public for the consumer and, therefore, impose, for the conclusion of the contract, the acceptance of the same consumer. , manifested through the exact compilation of all the sections and the online adhesion, following the instructions on the screen and, lastly, selecting and, therefore, accepting the boxes with the words “Acceptance of Conditions of Sale and Privacy Law”.
For customers other than consumers, on the other hand, product orders are expressly declared irrevocable during the entire time foreseen for delivery and, in any case, for 30 days from the date of delivery.